Monday, September 23, 2013

Housing Life Cycle

House #1

Victorian Houses get there name because they were mainly built between 1837-1901, which is during the reign of Queen Victoria.They follow a wide range of architecual styles. The Victorian House originated in the UK, but spread to the US later on. One of the most recognized style of Victorian Houses, is the Gothic Style.

  I feel a Victorian House would be perfect for me because they're primarily in the cities. So they'll be close to where I work. I feel as though this house will provide me with Shelter, Storage, Safety, Sleep, and Food Preparation. As well as Privacy, and love and belonging.

House #2

A Beach House is obviously located somewhere warm, like California or Florida. And is either on or near a beach. It's usually used as a second home during vaction periods or on the weekend. The reason it will fit my style is because by this time in my life, I will probably be starting or have had a family. And I would love to live somewhere warm. It will fit all my Physical needs, and the psychological need of privacy.

House #3

The third house I would love to live in is a Log Home. They are of course built out of logs, and are primarily up north in a wooded area. I feel that these style of houses fit all my needs. And the reason I would love to live in one is because my Grandma has a log home. I've always thought they were so beautiful.

House #4

The final housing style that I hope to aquire someday is a Château style home. It is a manor home, that were very popular in France. They usually belonged to a lord or nobility. The word Château means "castle" in French. And when translated to english, it means "palce" or "country house".

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