Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bad Proportion and Scale

This room shows bad proportion because the couch over powers the room and all of the little sculptures and the chandelier. The couch needs to be a little smaller, and the the sculptures/table/chandelier need to all be bigger. 
Bad scale is represented all throughout this room, you can see that the Christmas tree sculptures and the table are too big compared to the couch. Not to mention the decorations on the wall are all different sizes which throws off the balance. And the jars on the table are too big for it.


The focal point of this room is the fireplace, which shows emphasis. The reason being is that it's the biggest component in the room and all of the items that are on the fireplace draw you to that point.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This first room that I created for my client represents symmetrical balance. The reason being is that you could cut the room in half and it would remain equal on both sides. I made sure to add all the things my client wanted and was open to having. The couch is against the wall, there are paintings up on the wall above the couch, and my client was open to having end-tables and lighting, which I incorporated.
The following is the same room, but a-symmetrical instead. Which means that that room isn't the same on both sides if you cut it in half, but it still maintains a nice style and balance. The bigger pictures on the wall balance out the floor lamp next to the couch.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


A split-complementary color scheme, is a scheme that uses colors that compliment each other on the color wheel. Which is what I did with my board, by using red, green, and blue; it creates a split-complementary color scheme perfectly due to the fact that these colors are great compliments to each other.